
很有趣的一本英文書, 句子淺顯, 很吸引孩子的注意力!


跟一位來自New York的外師學oral而已,  他的教室一偶, 所有的教具均來自New York. 



今天一早收到哥哥英文老師回的e-mail, 內容對我疑惑這次功課, 英文小書Ferdinand


似乎比之前的書還簡單一事, 老師很仔細地告訴我她教學的理念, 雖說孩子跟她二年多,


這期間也針對如何幫孩子提升英文能力相互討論及配合教學, 但今早我收信後真的


很興奮, 很高興我找的老師是如此睿智, 孩子有幸能跟對老師真的很重要, 也很幸福.




近一`二十年來, 英文已經是台灣小孩的全民運動, 重點科目, 有些父母的教養甚至讓


我有種錯覺, 那就是只要英文好, 其他都是minor; 傾所有的時間, 越早越好, 就是要孩子


學英文, 孩子花大把的時間在上英文課, 全美語幼稚園和安親班.  不管孩子是否有其他的


運動需求或玩耍的時間, 孩子或父母都沒其餘的閒暇去看看孩子是否有其他的天分, 可以


栽培, 遇有與英文強碰的科目, 英文還是 first priority.  這種現象到了孩子小六或國中時,





因為你身旁周遭的實際例子會讓你知道, 做任何事包括學英文這件事沒有絕對的早學就


比較厲害, 或英文課時數多就一定掛保證學得多學得好.  有些媽媽在孩子低中年級拼命


要孩子學英文 (Mon~Fri), 到了高年級孩子有思考能力知道自己喜歡甚麼時, 他會回頭


告訴你他要甚麼, 到時候只能順孩子的意, 跟孩子妥協` 談判, 折衷到一個平衡點.



Sorry that this computer is not equipped with Chinese characters, so I will just write
in English.

First of all, I'd like to thank you for giving it a second thought, for willing to trust me
a little more, and for considering some other possibilities.


Basically, the books I choose for students to study are in two categories.  One is

for studying, while the other is for pure enjoying.  The first type incluses books like
Sylvester: with good materials to teach such as good vocabulary, complex sentence
structures, and beautiful writing. Of course, they are also very enjoyable.  But, due
to a lot of homework and new words to remember, this kind of readings may take
a long time to finish.  Thus, there is this second kind of books: easy to read and with
Western ideas/culture to learn, so that students may feel quite accomplished, get a
good idea about the whole book in a short time, may be able to THINK about it, and,
most of all, enjoy it as a reading instead of a piece of homework.

Ferdinand is one of my favorite Children's Picture Books.  This is a book that students
might not get to know the deep meaning, but I hope it might popped out one day from
their memory.  It also appeared in some of the movies such as Blindside as a very
important clue to the story as well as the characters' belief.  It was the end of the
semester and I was away.  So I chose this book for Leo to read easily and, especially
after our first class next week, to have some impression about the idea of respecting
very individual's differences which is a major and beautiful concept in western culture.

I have to stop here for my old friends are to pick me up to tour around Santa Fe.
Thank you again for asking and I hope you agree with me now.  Leo is a good student
to me and I greatly appreciate that you give me the opportunity to work with him.

Best Wish


寄件日期: 2013/1/11 (週五) 3:26 AM
主旨: Leo's 學習進度
我是Leo's MaMa. 此次 short break, 有一份功課是讀小書Ferdinand,
起先我翻一下, 心想"怎麼這本比上兩本 The power of the magic
finger & Sylvester and the Magic Pebble簡單, 一直想寫個e-mail
請教您 "是否孩子的學習有甚麼狀況?  要不然怎麼這本的程度好
像不及前兩本來得advance"  .
不過, 在這幾分鐘前, 我認真讀了一下 Ferdinand, 覺得還不錯,
且字體較大, 且內容也頗富意義, 真的謝謝老師辛苦的幫孩子
Leo 在上課及課後的練習若有任何問題, 請不吝告訴我們.
下星期四, 就可以恢復上課, 真的很期待, 孩子又可以keep learning.
Leo's MaMa

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